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UI customization and templating

pygeoapi adopted the Jinja2 templating mechanism to style HTML output. Each element visualized on the HTML output is customizable by overriding the relevant template. Templates are located in the pygeoapi/templates folder. It is possible to override any template by copying it into a separate folder and adjust it to your needs. In the pygeoapi configuration you can then indicate the path to the override folder. Notice that for files which are not placed in the override folder, the original file is used.


For any customization, mind that with a new version of pygeoapi changes on the default templates are not automatically available on the overriden files. Upgrades need to be carefully tested and validated.


Jinja2 is a common templating concept in the Python community. With a minimal background in HTML you will be able to make minor but meaningful customizations. At the core of pygeoapi's template setup is the _base.html template, which defines the header and footer of the page. The fragment below defines the footer of the page, notice the parameters in curly braces, which are replaced by dynamic content.

 <footer class="sticky">
    {% trans %}Powered by {% endtrans %} 
    <a title="pygeoapi" href="">
        <img src="{{ config['server']['url'] }}/assets/images/pygeoapi.png" title="pygeoapi logo" style="height:24px;vertical-align: middle;"/></a> 
    {{ version }}

Customizing an HTML page

Copy _base.html to a separate folder. Adjust some elements on that page (e.g. logo image). Then, include a reference to the new folder in the pygeoapi configuration. Restart the service. Verify the result.

CSS customizations

From the customized HTML template you can reference a new stylesheet file with customizations or directly add your customizations to /static/css/default.css.


Congratulations! You've added a custom look and feel to your pygeoapi deployment.